MBS Husky-xARM6-Robotiq

Husky Orthographic View

This package supplies Sphinx-based tutorial content to assist you with setting up and using MBS Husky-xARM6-Robotiq robot. The tutorials topics are listed in the left column, and are presented in the suggested reading order.


These tutorials assume that you are comfortable working with ROS. We recommend starting with roswiki ROS/Tutorials if you are not familiar with ROS already.

Clearpath Husky

Clearpath Husky is a medium sized research robotic platform. it features rugged and all terrain, precise control, easy to use and customized capabilities. The Husky is shipped in medium wooden crate. From MyBotShop GmbH, the base software packages (i.e. the motor drivers, and IMU sensor) are already installed and configured in the Husky’s catkin_ws.