
This is applicable to the MMP Ridgeback Panda v1.2 (released prior to 2023).

This mmp_viz package is a configuration package used for visualizations in RVIZ.

To view the URDF model of the robot:

roslaunch rp_viz view_model.launch

Ridgeback UR5E Rviz

To view the live sensor data from the robot:

roslaunch rp_viz view_robot.launch

Rviz with Ridgeback’s whole body control demo

MMP Startup


This is applicable to the MMP Ridgeback Panda v1.2 (released prior to 2023).

The mbs_rp_startup package manages the robot startup files. Ridgeback needs ROS to be running at startup. Ridgeback driver needs to run at startup which communicates between the robot and its MCU which is on network address


Make sure none of your devices are having ip address this will crash the node and the robot will not function properly.

This package is dependent upon roswiki robot_upstart which converts roslaunch files to systemd service job in Ubuntu. This job runs at the startup of the robot. The one responsible for Ridgeback is mbs_ridgeback. The status of this service can be checked by:

sudo service mbs_rp status

To change the setup files at startup of the robot include/remove nodes from launch/mbs_rp_system.launch. This is the file which is launched all the time.

To update this launch file at the robot startup, run:

rosrun rp_startup


This command will remove the previous job and install a new one.


Do not edit the files manually to systemd setup files or launch files (it won’t work), always run the above mentioned command to reflect the changes.

This packages also includes UDEV rules for different devices on the robot. They are already set up but for a fresh installation they can be run by:

rosrun rp_startup

The packages have some configuration files for the robot utilities. For example config/description.bash is responsble set up environment variables for URDF in order to include parts on the go. Similarly config/setup.bash is responsible to setup environment variables for Ridgeback drivers. Lastly config/can-udp-bridge* are responsible for setting up can bus and is used in startup script of the robot.

MMP Manipulation


This is applicable to the MMP Ridgeback Panda v1.2 (released prior to 2023).




As the MYBOTSHOP Ridgeback Panda is a multi-robot system consisting of Franka Emika’s Panda, hence, the guide provided by Franka Emika for Franka Emika Guide is applicable.

MBS Panda

This mbs_rp_franka package is responsible for to launch Franka control software from franka control package. Before using the arm it needs to switched on by the rosrun rp_lift sensors as decribed in Heavy Duty Lift.

To switch on the arm:

rosservice call /set_arm_power 'data: True'


The arm is switched on indicated by solid yellow lights on the robot.

To switch off the arm:

rosservice call /set_arm_power 'data: False'

Panda Setup

Once arm is powered on, one can access the Panda desk at The desk will prompt for user name and password which is:

User: admin

Password: panda_admin


Getting started with Panda Desk

First the arm joints should be unlocked as shown.


After the arm’s joints are unlocked, FCI needs to be enabled so that the arm exposes its functionalities to ROS control i.e. to be externally controlled.


Finally, the push button connected to X2 port of the robot needs to be pressed as well.

MMP Navigation


This is applicable to the MMP Ridgeback Panda v1.2 (released prior to 2023).




As the MYBOTSHOP Ridgeback Panda is a multi-robot system consisting of Clearpath’s Ridgeback, hence, the guide provided by Clearpath for Ridgeback Navigation is applicable. For ease of view the guide is available below as well.

Below are the example launch files for three different configurations for navigating Ridgeback:

If you’re working with a real Ridgeback, it’s suggested to connect via SSH and launch the roswiki ridgeback_navigation launchfiles from on board the robot. You’ll need to have bidirectional communication with the robot’s roscore in order to launch roswiki rviz on your workstation.

Making a Map

In this demonstration, Ridgeback generates a map using gmapping. Begin by launch the gmapping launch file on the robot:

roslaunch ridgeback_navigation gmapping_demo.launch

And on your workstation, launch rviz with the suggested configuration:

roslaunch ridgeback_viz view_robot.launch config:=gmapping
Rviz with Ridgeback's gmapping configuration.

You must slowly drive Ridgeback around to build the map. As obstacles come into view of the laser scanner, they will be added to the map, which is shown in rviz. You can either drive manually using the interactive markers, or semi-autonomously by sending navigation goals (as above).

When you’re satisfied, you can save the produced map using map_saver:

rosrun map_server map_saver -f mymap

This will create a mymap.yaml and mymap.pgm file in your current directory.

MMP Lidars


This is applicable to the MMP Ridgeback Panda v1.2 (released prior to 2023).


MBS Ouster Package

The mbs_rp_ouster package cleanly manage the nodes/data/logs of the ouster sensor. Ouster is mounted on the top and provides 3d pointcloud of surroundings. So this packages provides two types of data:

3D pointcould: is provided on /points topic.


2D pointcloud: is the down-sampled data of the pointcloud topic and is provided on /top/scan` topic.
