
DC-AC Converter


The Panda is connected to a DC-AC converter which powers it from the external battery. Specific features of it are:

  1. Conversions of 24V DC - 230V AC

  2. User can supply power to the arm asl well as cut off power to the arm

  3. Safety feature based on the Bender Isometer

  4. LED status of the converter on top of the Ridgeback

  5. Power cut-off in emergency situation

Bender Isometer

  1. Safety Check on Startup

  2. Checking internal resistance

  3. Pushing Test-Button

  4. No change in resistace was recognized

  5. Power will be supplied


More information on the Bender Isometer.

LED Indicator

  • Green: 24V DC was supplied to Converter

  • Yellow: A failure has happened, operator must stop working with the robot, and must check for a broken cable etc.

  • Red: Power was cut off