
To operate the robot remotely via PC, you need to setup your network as described in the Network Setup section.


Please note that some Diablo may not have the latest drivers and have the old structure layout. In those cases where the instrcutions are not clear please contact support@mybotshop.de.

Diablo Driver

To start the hardware-diablo drivers, ssh into diablo and launch:

ros2 run diablo_ctrl diablo_ctrl_node

Next in your own PC you can launch:

ros2 launch diablo_bringup bringup.launch.py


This turned on by bringup, alternatively you can launch please launch:

ros2 launch diablo_viz view_robot.launch


To operate the Diablo either in simulation or the real robot, the following command may be used:

ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

Odom Navigation


ros2 launch diablo_navigation odom_navi.launch.py

Change rviz frame to map and provide goal.