ROS1 to ROS2 δ Technical Training


At MYBOTSHOP Gmbh, we’re excited to introduce our ROS1 to ROS2 δ Training, a specialized program designed to facilitate the transition from ROS1 to ROS2 Humble. As robotics technology evolves, it’s crucial for professionals to stay updated with the latest advancements, and our training course aims to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge for navigating this transition seamlessly.

ROS1 to ROS2 δ Training is tailored for individuals who are well-versed in ROS1 concepts and are looking to transition to ROS2. Whether you’re a seasoned ROS1 user or an enthusiast eager to explore the capabilities of ROS2, our training curriculum is designed to provide you with practical implementation and deployment techniques in ROS2 Humble.

Throughout this 2-3 day training program, participants will delve into key differences between ROS1 and ROS2, gain insights into the new architecture, and understand the rationale behind the adoption of DDS for communication. With a focus on practicality over theory, participants will engage in hands-on exercises, real-robot simulations, and tasks to reinforce their understanding of ROS2 concepts.

Before enrolling in ROS1 to ROS2 δ Training, participants should have a solid foundation in Linux systems, fundamental computing concepts, and prior experience working with ROS1, including control concepts, navigation stack, URDF, transforms (TFs), nodes, nodelets, topics, parameters, services, messages, and action services. Additionally, participants should have Ubuntu 22.04 installed, along with ROS2 Humble and a stable internet connection for package installation during the training sessions.

Join us at MYBOTSHOP Gmbh and embark on a transformative journey from ROS1 to ROS2. Our expert trainers are committed to providing you with the guidance and support you need to successfully transition to ROS2 and elevate your robotics skills to new heights.